Life is a very ruthless teacher

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1 minute read
You need to have healthy balance between listening to your brain (logical decisions) versus heart (emotional triggers).

Ever wonder why do you face so many ups and downs in life despite tedious planning?

The answer is your Master "the life" itself is so ruthless that you just cannot make out something drastic is happening with you in very short span of time which is not accounted for in any of your planning.

What I have learnt is keep your options open while doing anything. Emotions do not have place here, be rock minded and yes you are ready to take on the surprises life has to offer you.

Being indifferent is the most difficult quality one can possess.

I would say it's a God's gift If you are able to overcome your emotional reactions. Over 90% of the people fail by handing over there decisions and actions to emotional triggers. You our need to have healthy balance between listening to your brain (logical decisions) versus heart (emotional triggers).

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