February 13, 2021

How to achieve inner peace in chaos: Work from Home drama

Its chaotic, really chaotic when you are working from home and yes when you have a pandemic to add to the recipe its like adding salt on the wound. AND the last straw is if you have kids who are aged between 0 to 4 years old. 

I bet life is a CIRCUS with the above configuration in you life's circuit. Consider this:

  1. You have a zoom meeting.
  2. Your kid has done poop.
  3. Your spouse is busy in the kitchen dealing with the critical phase of her cooking (which if disturbed will leave you hungry for the rest of the day).
  4. Your parents are not in a position to help.
  5. AND to add the icing on the cake there is a relative who is arriving in 30 mins.

Ok how do I deal with this now? There is no alternative and no respite.

F**K you just cant ignore any of the above situations. After cursing yourself for a moment. You will have to put off your video on Zoom, get to your messy kid first with your headphones ON like a astronaut. Carefully maneuver through the stuff when on mute in Zoom.

Once your kid is glittery clean and dressed up. Clean the shit, throw the shit, clean your hands and all through this hope you are not asked to present anything on the Zoom call.

As soon as you give a sign "Yes, I accomplished". There comes another task from your spouse to go to the nearest provision store and get few important items needed to prepare "extravagant feast" (which you will never get for life) for the in the incoming souls-from-hell aka. guests.

How do you find some "me-time" or rather some inner peace? A MILLION DOLLAR QUESTION

Every moment you feel like what-if the offices re-open and my boss calls me to office RITE-THIS-MOMENT? but no that never happens.

Firstly, stop cursing yourself. sink in the experiences you just went through. To give deeper thoughts to what is happening at this moment. You may hate few people, you may feel like killing self. But no you are not supposed to do that. Instead, find opportunities of peace. While walking to the provision store you have me-time, utilize it!

Me-time need not be in hours. It comes in a very tiny bits since the pandemic hit us!! When I say tiny-bits its in minutes!!! Organize yourself in these tiny moments of bliss to enhance your mood. No point in taking out your frustration at family or colleagues. Use this frustration to fuel your vehicle to reach life goals, be it personal or professional.

Just by doing this simple routine in your mind for few instances. You have began the process of re-wiring you brain to be less unhappy and more organized.

Stay tuned! More to come in Work home Home mental health series

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