February 15, 2021

How to calculate growth (%) percentage: WoW,YoY,MoM,QoQ and others

 Any report or dashboard is not complete if you are not showing the difference. For that matter, anything life doesn't make sense if there is no difference over time. Or even if there is a difference if you are not showing or presenting them.

Now what is the difference? 

Its a comparison between the current state versus "something". The "something" may be future or past. In business terms the interest is in comparing current week versus previous week, month over month, quarterly, half-yearly, yearly growth in terms of percentages.

How do we calculate the growth percentage. Its a simple formula, let me explain in generic terms.

The growth percentage between two period is calculated 

Current period divided by previous period minus 1

Remember this is as easy as it gets and there are no brackets involved here.

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