December 22, 2021

COVID and Work from Home

 The title is combination of events which is disaster to life. I was reading an article which gave suggestions or "principles" to follow for two types of working modes.

1. Work from home

2. Work from home during COVID. 

I just couldn't stop laughing at the status we are in today. My experience during these times when you are literally left with no choice but to work for and from home is a confused story to say the least. 

1. You really can't deny certain chores that are requested to do at home. At the same time you have to 
obey your boss at office.

2. You have to clean your kids poop while presenting the quarterly business review to your stakeholders.

3. You have to carry your laptop with "ALL" accessories from headphones to mouse to power adapter when you kids are playing outside where the local authorities have dug up the road for civil works.

4. You have to receive the guests and at the same time listen to the team call, just to ensure you do not miss any action item for yourself.

5. You have to do the casino job if mute/unmute when you are attending important call (in which you have to "TALK") and at the same time your kids are running around the house shouting and crying at the top of their voice.

6. You have take the call while you family is at restaurant or shopping mall sitting at a public sit-out.

7. You have to deal with domestic micro (or macro?)-aggressions while taking your appraisal meeting with your boss.

8. There is no element called "PRIVACY" when you are working. Its plain "BLACK" or "WHITE". Either you work for company or work for home.

9. You have lost your "SPACE"/

10. Never ever I wish this would repeat.

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