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January 21, 2022

Mind talks: How to deal with mood swings?

When your mind keeps throwing memories every Nano second based on events happening around, it becomes very difficult to triage them. Generally these memories would be like supporting events to boost the negativity in your mind. In actuality the mood swings are not mind swinging between two moods (positive and negative), but it's a swing between "NORMAL" mind and "NEGATIVE" mind. This difference is important to understand as many may not be able to make out this difference that keeps occurring in their subconscious minds.

Every time there is a positive event that happens around you, all the "SUPPORT" events strengthening the negative stuff that was just a illusion is dragged into mind. Essentially you recover into "NORMAL" mind and then again you slip into negativity. Because of this mind's health is lost. 

So what is the solution?

You may have seen suggestions to sit calmly and watch the swings in the mind and NOT to react on them but just observe them. This is possible only when you are not in ANXIETY. But when in anxiety (which is the state of mind in most cases for a person dealing with mood swings) you may not be in "SETTLED" position to just "OBSERVE" these negative swings. In these cases you would need to close your eyes and only concentrate on your "BREATHE" inhale slowly and exhale slowly. Do this exercise for about 20 times every time you feel your mind is getting out of control due to mood swings. Do not do this exercise when you just ran and came or just did something which tired you and you are taking deep breathes. Once you tiredness is reduced only then do this activity. It helps calm the body and relax the mind. This activity also helps in controlling anger as well.

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