January 20, 2022

Mind talks - How to tackle Negativity and its effects

 Volatility in thoughts

Every moment when mind tries to think of all past experiences which have hurt you, do not try to run away from it. You would need to learn to live with it. If not these thoughts will start eating you slowly until you go mad. In my case, sudden rush of such thoughts hits me at unknown times, completely shattering my focus and concentration. I consciously tried to put them behind or ignored them when they appeared in the mind but the intensity of such past thoughts/experiences is too strong. The only solution to deal with such thoughts is to try and accept them, acknowledge them. Talk to your mind, make peace with it. Speak to the evil side of your mind and tell the below.

"Yes, I had such bad experience and may still be going through similar or same kind of experience, but I do not want to die thinking of this alone and want to move on, if you want destroy me by bombarding such thoughts, good luck to you, as I will live with it and move on today"

People with fault picking mindset

I have observed people who would have biased minds when interacting with others. Meaning, if they had negative experience with a person there thirst to find faults in whatever that person does skyrockets. The same output from another person whom them do not have any issues with or have a loving relationship with doesn't trigger fault finding engine in them. And these people do not simple get over with it. Verbal abuse feels like heaven to them, sadistic mindset kicks in when they abuse and 24/7 observation is switched on towards the person from whom they had negative experience with (lets call this person NP from now on).

They go to such extents to please their minds that consciously they ensure "NP" is deprived of all "good" stuff ranging from the smallest to largest.

For such people follow the below mantra:

"I will always do good to all people around me and never try to think ill of them, I do not want to spoil my mind's place by thinking evil of them as my mind is sacred for me and I need to keep it clean"

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