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October 27, 2022

Dilemma in Judgement

What are the things that go through our brains when we are faced with a circumstance where we must decide if an event is in our favour or against it?

There are plenty, right. Based on your interactions with the individuals involved in the act that took place in front of you, there may be various veiled layers of interpretation. Here, impatience is the enemy. Preconceived notions and resentment are super-villains. All of this obscures the actual "purpose" of the act. You would need to be quite perceptive to distinguish between the narrow line between false and genuine thoughts that your own mind produces.

I am aware that this is difficult to do in the heat of the moment, which is why it is suggested that you step away from the "present" to complete these "analyses". After that, take action based on what you believe to be the act's "true" intention.

If done correctly, this can help prevent more than 95% of conflicts. But those who choose for the bloody route are invariably on the losing side.

That was my cent for the day!


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