May 12, 2014

Email etiquettes - tops 7 things to look for

Email etiquettes - tops things to look for

We all write emails be it personal or professional. personal emails can still have some lenience as it is more often than not addressed to your dear ones.

But when it comes to business emails, you need to consider many things before you hit the send button.

Some of the important email etiquettes:

1. Make sure you are diplomatic and not harsh. Just imagine you are the person who is going to receive the email and draft the email. Not to miss on checking spellings as well (remember hitting F7 on MS Outlook would not find all the spelling mistakes).

2. Never commit for anything until or unless you have a sure shot approval or proof that you would be able to provide the requested content on time or you would be able finish a certain assignment on time. Remember your commitment on email is simply saying on a bond paper that you would complete the requirements within the stipulated time line.

3. When providing any sought of time lines always remember that you need to have week's buffer time and then decide the deadline date.

4. No bold letters or capitalized letters while writing a business email. As it would signify that you are unhappy about something.

5. All the things written in a business email is assumed to be well verified, hence do your homework/investigation thoroughly before writing something about something.

6. All get it reviewed if you are not sure of any content in the email (at least in the early days of the job you are doing). As this would serve as good practice so that you are polished better in shorter time frame.

7. No personal addressing come what may. Also do not use any sms-lingos or smiley's or anything that feels or gives an impression to the reader that you are trying to get more personal. (If you are trying to build a good rapport with the person whom you are writing email for, better get on a phone conversation as it is more verbal and would give you real time feedback of the opposite person)

8. Actually first but not the least, always begin an email with proper salutation and do not end without signing off.

Happy emailing!

Some references:

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