Market research and user research are very different in terms of objective, methods and approach.
Market Research
Market research is generally used as a tool to provide some guidance and act as a guiding light to the key decision makers in an organization, with regards to entering a new product domain, geography or trying out pricing strategies. Market research always has broad insight when it comes to results. As in, the sheer size of the sample and the number of feedbacks collected would be very large mainly to generate some confidence and have proven data for analysis to venture into new things as said earlier.
Market research is about user's opinion, what a user has to say about a product.
Where as user research focuses on usage and needs or unsaid expectations/opinions of a user towards a product. These unsaid patterns are captured via various methodologies like face to face interviewing, shadowing, observing, focus groups etc. User research is used to capture the essence of the users words,sentences, etc. basically his "opinion" understood in a more deep dive approach questioning and challenging the ideas and perceptions of user feedback within ourselves.
User Research
User research is all about the extracting of hidden narrow insight of user by painting the pattern of the feedback received overtime, be it via observation, verbal, visual. Which would address many aspects of a organization and trigger, out of the box thinking in the process of finding ways to solve the user's unsaid pain points. At a later stage the market research would help find if these out of the box ideas are viable in market, if yes where, when and how.
Market Research
Market research is generally used as a tool to provide some guidance and act as a guiding light to the key decision makers in an organization, with regards to entering a new product domain, geography or trying out pricing strategies. Market research always has broad insight when it comes to results. As in, the sheer size of the sample and the number of feedbacks collected would be very large mainly to generate some confidence and have proven data for analysis to venture into new things as said earlier.
Market research is about user's opinion, what a user has to say about a product.
Where as user research focuses on usage and needs or unsaid expectations/opinions of a user towards a product. These unsaid patterns are captured via various methodologies like face to face interviewing, shadowing, observing, focus groups etc. User research is used to capture the essence of the users words,sentences, etc. basically his "opinion" understood in a more deep dive approach questioning and challenging the ideas and perceptions of user feedback within ourselves.
User Research
User research is all about the extracting of hidden narrow insight of user by painting the pattern of the feedback received overtime, be it via observation, verbal, visual. Which would address many aspects of a organization and trigger, out of the box thinking in the process of finding ways to solve the user's unsaid pain points. At a later stage the market research would help find if these out of the box ideas are viable in market, if yes where, when and how.
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